June 1, 2006

  • 2:07 PM (CST)

    The mock-trial was yesterday.  It went well.  It was also my last day teaching...ever!  So sad :(

    Took a group pic with both classes.  Can't believe my tenure at Hinsdale South is over after 2 fruitful years.  It's weird to look back on my very first posts, where I wrote about applying for this fellowship and being nervous about interviews and stuff.

    My camera shipping date got delayed.  It was supposed to ship last week, but it got moved to tomorrow.  I haven't heard anything from Dell, so I'm hoping everything is still on track for that.  If it gets moved again, I just might cancel.  It would seem kind of ominous at that point.  Like, perhaps I should be looking elsewhere for the camera.  Or spending my money on something less selfish.  hehe.

    It's been a weird few days.  Love-hate with food, resolutions and uncertainty.  I've watched a friend of mine get brainwashed and manipulated so that I don't even recognize him anymore.  What was once a give-and-take relationship of intellectual discussions has become him disparaging everything I believe in, and me just kinda, well, taking it in disbelief.  Not sure what to do.

    I'm clueless on a lot of things.  In fact, i'm an idiot.

    Praiseteam practice tonight.  Cooking for the first time in awhile.  Then...watching hockey with some friends I guess?  don't much like hockey, but i could use the company right about now. 

    Oh yeah, my golf game on Saturday has reached astronomically poor levels.  like, ludicrous-speed bad.  That's all I have to say about that.


    Currently Listening
    Notes and the Like
    By Ms. John Soda

    Currently Listening
    How To Save A Life
    By The Fray

    Currently Listening
    Lonely for the Last Time
    By Seven Places

    Currently Listening
    Bang Bang Rock & Roll
    By Art Brut

May 26, 2006

  • 10:56 PM (CST)

    Phew.  Long day.  Just got home.  Things going well with the kids...mock trial next Wednesday.  I realize I never put the link up.  Enjoy if you're bored.

    So, I'm shutting xanga down for a few days.  I'll come back next week.  Don't give upon me, eh?  I'll be back.  Promise.  I'm a little scared to leave, but maybe that's the point. 

    I'll be reading, just not posting stuff here.  I hope you come back when I do.  I've been pretty bad about posting and I know this is a weird time to consciously shut down, but it must be done.

    And yeah, much of this is ctrl-x'ed, so I don't wanna hear it :)


    Currently Listening
    Blueprints for the Black Market
    By Anberlin

    Currently Listening
    Keep Guessin'
    By Hockey Night

  • 1:48 PM (CST)

    SAD :(  My camera's shipping date has been delayed :(   won't ship till NEXT Friday!  waaaaaa :(

    1:01 PM (CST)

    About to teach.  Only today and next week left.  Sad!!!   I'm currently applying for a new fellowship.  Pay cut.  bummer.

    Golfing tomorrow w/ the duder, skully, and slowhands.  We'll all be little kings out on the links, for sure. Haven't dusted off the clubs since we last played, which was probably around october or something.

    Band practice sunday afternoon, then the meister is having a little memorial day bbq.  singing at 8AM on sunday.  going to be a busy day.

    Hanging back in Chicago for a bit tonight to meet up w/ a friend. 

    Usual usual.  Can't wait for my camera!  booooya!

    Oh yea, duder, I can't sell my old one for that cheap.  Maybe my car, but not my camera.

    Currently Listening
    Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes of Madness
    By Coheed & Cambria

    Currently Listening
    Never Take Friendship Personal
    By Anberlin

May 25, 2006

  • 9:27 AM (CST)

    Worked from home this morning - spent the morning debugging but didn't actually manage to find the cause of anything.  Did narrow things down, though.  I've had a pretty good with with my "codes."  haha they're like my babies.

    Missed a free lunch courtesy of GK12 b/c of some car issues.  Hrumph....I had put in an order for a sandwhich and everything.  hope no one is mad at me

    I bought a new camera last night!  Nate buys guitars...I buy cameras.  Colin buys WOW subscriptions.

    I love that second pic.  I'm such a nerd :P   Got a sweet deal from Dell/Slickdeals.net/eBay'd $35-off coupon.  Here's Steve's review (I trust this man with my life.  Er, well, my camera.  haha).

    In summary...it's got a beastly 12x optical zoon, flip screen like my old A80 (which is missing from the A6xx's and A7xx's), runs on AA's (like the A80), maxes out a 1/3200s (compared to the A80's 1/2000s), records in stereo, and, um, is a beast.    It doesn't have ISO800 but those usually looks like butt anyway.  Yeah, it's hot.  You can get a lens converter for separate wide-angle and telephoto lenses like the older A-series too.

    I'll inaugurate it at CJ's wedding I think.  whooooot .

May 24, 2006

  • 9:27 AM (CST)

    Haha...this article cracks me up.

    Work's going pretty well.  Got the dual-surface continuum code running, although it's full of bugs and gives nonsense results.

    At least it's running, right?

    "Lowerrred expectaaaaaations."

    I'm in the middle of like 12 books right now.   I definitely need to start finishing what I, um, start. 

    I hate it when you get to the end of a sentence and realize that it was a bad, um, sentence.

    Crap - two in a row.

    CRAP forgot the 4-track again.  Sorry diamante...still love ya baby.  Like Kojak and his lolly.  Whoot!

    Slept at the HUB last night to watch guard.  Got up early in the morning and visited the prayer room.  Figured out how to sleep on the couch without having a backache in the morning.

    The secret is to ditch the ghetto cushion-pillow and just sleep without one.

    Have some major cleaning to do around the Castle tonight.  Maybe some L&O.  Ok, definiately some L&O...who am I kidding?  Got some BEEF defrosting in the drudge, so I guess it's what's for dinner.

    Holy crap...i really did just right that didn't I?  I've been reading the Fridgereport way too much.

    This entry is poop.  Consider it splitsville.

    Ciao bambinos!

    Currently Listening
    Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes of Madness
    By Coheed & Cambria

    Currently Listening
    Stadium Arcadium
    By Red Hot Chili Peppers

May 23, 2006

  • 8:12 AM (CST)

    Wow...it's been too long.  Busy times, though.  Saw DaVinci Code over the weekend.  Had a good band practice too, on Sunday.  We played a show last night at IMC for some Cancer benefit or something.  It was organized, um, a little tightly-packed.  There were like 6 bands and we ended up only playing like 20 minutes each.  We were a last-minute addition b/c they wanted one more band, and played first to like an empty hall.  Our shortest and emptiest gig.  booya!

    Oh, the band website is finally updated too.  I'd been dragging my heels on that one for awhile.  We've got three more shows coming up - June 10, 15, and 17 (Mustachefest).  Busy June!

    Doing that Chemistry on Trial business with my class again.  Not sure if the long-time readers remember that from last year, but here's the website.  We've changed it to a different case from last year.  That stupid movie took me like a whole day to make.  Hrumph.

    Gonna learn Korean.  Had made progress with Japanese a long time ago, but had no one to speak it too.  Got tons of Korean friends though.  It's high time I bettered myself.

    ChemE BBQ had some tasty food on Saturday.  Good times.

    Good times. 

    Xanga implimented their own Xangastalker last week.  http://www.xanga.com/private/feedbackfootprints.aspx  should take you there if you're signed in.  Looks strangely like...Xangastalker.  Although it's easier to read and better organized.  But you can't do any of the slick sorting that makes Xangastalker particularly useful.

    Not that I really care who comes. No, seriously, I don't care.  It's just fun to see where people come from and which entries of mine have gotten the most entrances.

    I'm back on my diet.  I need to lose some weight before CJ's wedding.  That's my goal.  We'll see if i can meet it.  haha.

    Gotta start growing the 'stache for Mustachfest too.  The rest of the boys have already begun, but I swear I only need a few days.  Here's to hoping . haha.

    Ok I gotta get to work.


    Currently Listening
    Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes of Madness
    By Coheed & Cambria

    Currently Listening
    Lonely for the Last Time
    By Seven Places

May 15, 2006

  • 5:50 PM (CST)

    Man...lots of new music going through the pod and computer.  good times. work's been going pretty well.  I was pretty sick last week, so it's good to be mostly over that.  i still have a cough though, and all kinds of thing going on in my lungs.  not cool.

    Gonna try to fly out to CT this summer and see daltoman, and then fly out to Alaska to see the folks.  Gotta coordinate with my work schedule.

    crap, also need to send my old MD plates back to MD.  they're gonna start complaining about how the car hasn't been reregistered otherwise.

    Brought my amp and old strat to CV's for maintenance on Saturday, then hung out w/ NKV for a bit.  Napped hard after. 

    Been playing FF7 a lot lately...a good blast from the past.  Downloaded the PC-version...plays swimmingly on comparatively-hot hardware.  forgot how sweet of a game it is.  haven't played halflife in awhile...requires too much committment...freaky game.

    slept at the hub, but have altered my sleeping pattern so that my back hasn't been hurting so much lately.  we're gonna keep the prayer room open over the summer...things have calmed down a little bit but people have still been coming in.  it's been pretty cool.

    I'm probably going to lead a cell group next year.  cell group is like a bible study, i guess.  different people have different names for stuff. 

    Not much else.  Back to work. 


    Currently Listening
    Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living
    By Streets

    Currently Listening
    Broken Boy Soldiers
    By The Raconteurs

    Currently Listening
    Pearl Jam
    By Pearl Jam

    Currently Listening
    How To Save A Life
    By The Fray

    Currently Listening
    The Greatest
    By Cat Power

May 9, 2006

  • 8:27 AM (CST)

    Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie...

    More of an evolution of popular music than dance, which a couple large gaps.  Haha.

    when did things get so comlpicated :รพ

    I'll have a more substantial post later.  Werd to your mother.


May 8, 2006

  • 8:57 AM (CST)

    Crazy weekend.  I was really sick on Thursday, and still pretty ba on Friday.  A friend actually dropped off some medicine and cough drops, though!  That helped, and I made it through our show that night.  It actually went really well.  A bunch of people came, including hte pack contingency and some of my Excel buddies.  Good times.  We were supposed to hang out w/ some of the other bands after, but they ditched us!  Nuts to that.

    Didn't do much on Saturday except recover and play FF7.  Yeah, I downloaded the PC-version and have been playing like mad.  Good times.

    Sunday was crazy.  I covered for someone on the praise team and sung at all three morning services.  I was definitely still feeling pretty raspy, but it worked out fine.  Bought some new jeans in the afternoon, and then got re-baptised at night!  haha...yeah rebaptised.  When I did it at CFC, it wasn't full immesion b/c they don't have the facilities (plus like no one from my own church could make it since it was on Easter and everyone was scattered).  So I did it again at UAG in their big tank.  And then changed in 3 minutes flat to get on stage in time to sing.  I don't need to do 4 services in one day again for awhile.

    I've debated writing more, but i think actions over words the way to go. 

    Yeah that's vague.  I'm not sure what I'm talking about either.

    I still have a wicked cough...I need to get some expectorant.  Maybe that one with the talking glob of mucus.  the one who moves into your lungs and has parties with his wife and friends?  yeah...that stuff.  I bet it's crazy-expensive.


    Currently Listening
    Never Take Friendship Personal
    By Anberlin

    Currently Listening
    Keep Guessin'
    By Hockey Night

    Currently Listening
    How To Save A Life
    By The Fray

May 4, 2006

  • 3:39 PM (CST)

    Ungh...stomach not doing so good.  my sickness just keeps diversifying.  Nice.

    Basically been working all day.  Had a teleconference.  Bleeblahblee.  Praiseteam practice at 6, Johnnyork practice at 7.  Looks like we'll be playing around 8, 8:30 tomorrow.

    My friends from Maryland are supposed to be coming tomorrow too, but I'm heard neither hide nor hair of them in awhile.  So we'll see.

    Didn't stay at CUCC as late as usual last night.  Was feeling way too sick.

    New Pearl Jam...I'm on the fence.  We'll see.  I do like avacados.


    Currently Listening
    Pearl Jam
    By Pearl Jam

    Currently Listening
    By Shane & Shane